Corporate Diplomacy: Aligning Stakeholder Analytics & Strategy


Witold Henisz

Deloitte & Touche Professor of Management in Honor of Russell E. Palmer, former Managing Partner; Director, Wharton Political Risk Lab; Founder, Wharton ESG Analytics Lab

Why this course

  • This rigorous course from Professor Henisz prepares students to take "stakeholder capitalism" into action by way of Corporate Diplomacy - assessing external stakeholders’ opinions of the acceptability of a company’s operation and convincing internal stakeholders to adapt their behaviors, systems and outputs

  • This course offers students the latest analytical tools for stakeholder and issue mapping and financial valuation, as well as behavioral skills for stakeholder engagement including trust building and communications

  • In a world where business increasingly acknowledges the importance of stakeholder relations in achieving organizational goals and sustainable long-term value, this curriculum explores how leaders can align corporate and investment strategy with stakeholder demands on issues ranging from climate change to human rights


Course Trailer

Course Highlights

This course provides students the latest tools to use new unstructured data on stakeholder concerns to align corporate and investment strategy with stakeholder demands. It also offers more behavioral skills critical for external stakeholder engagement including trust building and communications as well as internal stakeholder engagement. In short, it prepares students to engage in Corporate Diplomacy (i.e., to influence or assess external stakeholders’ opinions of the acceptability of a company’s operations at a moment in time and to convince internal stakeholders to adapt their behaviors, systems and outputs’ when necessary).

Professor Witold Henisz on the Dollars and Change Podcast by the Wharton Social Impact Initiative:

Latest Coverage


Witold J. Henisz is the Deloitte & Touche Professor of Management at The Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania. He is also Director of the Wharton Political Risk Lab and the founder of the Wharton ESG Analytics Lab. His research, which examines the impact of political hazards on international investment strategy including efforts by multinational corporations to engage in corporate diplomacy to win the hearts and minds of external stakeholders, has been published in top-ranked journals in international business, management, international studies and sociology, Witold is also the author of the book “Corporate Diplomacy: Building Reputations and Relationships with External Stakeholders”. He has won multiple teaching awards and teaches extensively on the topic of Corporate Diplomacy in executive education programs. He is currently a principal in the political risk management consultancy PRIMA LLC whose clients span multinational firms, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations.